Wednesday, December 14, 2011

SOPA Vote Tomorrow! Do What Ever You Can To Stop It!

    So, I hear there is going to be a vote on SOPA tomorrow. Well, knowing how things are going in Washington and in this country, I have no doubt they will give internet users everywhere the finger and pass this unconstitutional piece of crap anyway. If this thing passes, expect Youtube style censorship if not Chinese style censorship on a much, MUCH larger scale! 
Youtube's style of censorship is as follows: if they get even one little hint of perceived copyright infringement in your video, they will remove that video or even your entire account with them. Yes, even over a five second clip of a Miley Cyrus song playing on a radio in the background of a baby video; no judge, no jury, and no recourse. This is exactly what SOPA does on a internet-wide scale! It allows the government alongside the big entertainment industry to shut down websites they perceive to be infringing of copyright and even one infringing link can get your entire website shut down! This is of course the reason why I left Youtube in the first place and now the government wants to instill this kind of censorship on the entirety of the internet at the beck and call of Hollywood?! No wonder some people are going so far as to stating that the United States is increasingly becoming a corporatocracy. And you know who else was a corporatocracy? Shinra from Final Fantasy 7!
There is a way that you can help fight this. Although, I honestly don't think it will do any good as politicians tend to listen to the lobbyists who pay their coffers much more often then they listen to the people who voted them into office in the first place, but I digress. 
For more information on SOPA and how it affects you, you can take a look at the following sites:
UPDATE: The vote on SOPA  has been temporarily delayed thanks to your opposition. However, it is still on the floor and scheduled for a vote next Wednesday.  Let's delay it even further and let's kill this damn thing!

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