Friday, December 14, 2012

My Plans For Next Year

Well folks, 2012 is almost behind us and therefore, I decided to make a list of my plans for the site and the show in general for next year. First off is my plans to conclude the Dark Otaku story arc and begin a new story arc involving a certain company called 4Kids Entertainment. As such, I am already planning for my review of the anime One Piece. However, it will take me a while to get there since I need to talk about other anime that have been butchered by 4Kids Entertainment in order to give you context on what that company is notorious for. This would eventually lead to a look at the 4Kids version of One Piece and why it was an unmitigated betrayal of it's original Japanese counterpart. As for presenting the show at conventions, I have mostly been attending conventions around the Southern California area where I live. As such, I plan to present at other venues across the country starting with Anime Milwaukee in Millwaukee, Wisconsin. Other conventions I am looking at attending and presenting at are Anime Central, Sakura Con, among others. This year I will also be working on a new anime review to present at anime conventions as well. I also plan to invite guest stars onto the show and interviews with anime legends as well. I also plan on doing parody dubs, Iriffs on, parody shorts, industry insights, and other great content on the site for you to enjoy. So sit tight, 2013 will be the best year yet for The American Anime Otaku.

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